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The Commuter Life

McDaniel College commuter students are integral members of our campus. Leaders in and out of the classroom, our commuters also find themselves holding jobs on campus and involved with many clubs and organizations  like the Commuter Student Association. We are dedicated to providing you with resources for a rewarding and rich experience as you earn your degree here on the Hill. 

Interviewing Day 2019

Connections: Made

Fostering community, friendships, and involvement among commuter students, the Commuter Student Association (CSA) also provides social opportunities for commuters including cookouts, hot chocolate nights, movie nights, and informal social gatherings. Want to join the CSA? Contact our Office of Student Engagement (OSE) and while you’re at it, check out how they can help you connect with other student organizations, fraternities and sororities, leadership opportunities, weekly events, and so much more.

The Commuter's Toolkit

Everything you need to make your commuting life a breeze at McDaniel. 

Students playing video games in Rec Room on campus.

A Place to Relax Rec Lounge Get Your Game On

The McDaniel Rec Lounge features pool tables, arcade games, board games and video game systems, providing you a relaxing place to hang out with friends, meet new people and unwind. Tournaments and other events are regularly held in the Rec Lounge and the arcade games are swapped out regularly so you can constantly achieve that new high score!