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Alexander Champoux-Crowley
  • Lecturer of English & Director of First-Year Composition

Alexander Champoux-Crowley

I was an English major in college with focuses in Creative Writing and Literature when I discovered the campus writing center, writing pedagogy, and what it might mean to apply English skills to a broader range of "texts" or instances of meaning making. In the years that followed--running the writing center at Colby College and doing my M.A. at UMaine--I found my place in the field of Rhetoric and Composition and decided to go for my Ph.D. Reflected in my position here at McDaniel and my research interests, my dissertation looked at how writing program administrators--as teachers, teacher educators, and administrators--do transformative and liberatory work, ideally making first year composition programs more welcoming places for students.

Over the years I've taught undergraduate and graduate courses in rhetorical theory, academic writing, composition pedagogy, and professional/technical writing at Colby College, the University of Maine (Orono), Metropolitan State University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Southern Maine; while I teach rhetoric, writing, and composition, my classes often also reflect my interests: for example, research methodologies across the curriculum (students often do primary research), critical and social scientific approaches to education (interrogating, for example, the deployment of "sense of belonging" in schools), and foodways/food rhetorics. As a teacher of college composition, my goal is to introduce students to practices of metalinguistic and metacognitive reflection as they approach the diverse language situations that they will encounter at the university and beyond. 


2022 University of Minnesota
2015 University of Maine
2011 Trinity College

Research Interests

My research interests include critical/translingual approaches to composition pedagogy, transformative writing program administration (WPA), labor issues in higher education, sociolinguistics, rhetorical genre studies, and literacy studies. 

Selected Publications

Osorio, R., Hutchison, A., Primeau, S., Ubbesen, M., Champoux-Crowley, A. (2021). “The Laborious Reality vs. the Imagined Ideal of Graduate Student Instructors of Writing.” WPA: Writing Program Administration, 45(1), 130-150.

Alexander Champoux-Crowley