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Class of 2021: Chris Greene

Chris Greene is as comfortable on the Green Terror football field as he is competing – and scoring – at the Model United Nations where he was recognized with a peer award. He’s active in the Alpha Delta Gamma chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., which was chartered at McDaniel in 2018. A Political Science major with a specialization in International Studies, Chris helped Political Science professor Francis Grice design McDaniel’s National Security Fellows Program and plans on working abroad in a U.S. Embassy.

Chris Greene

Chris Greene is a Political Science major with a specialization in International Studies from Essex, Maryland.

When I took my first step on the Hill, I was: a high school senior who did not even know what Liberal Arts meant.

The me who will ring the Old Main bell on Commencement Day is: excited for his next steps and grateful for everything McDaniel has done for me.

Real world experiences: I was able to do quite a bit of independent research alongside my professors. I have gotten to delve into a variety of topics ranging from the dangers of profiling as a tactic of counterterrorism to the foundational importance of poetry in the Arab World. Initially I had secured a student internship with the U.S Department of State and planned to study abroad in Amman, Jordan, but COVID-19 limited those opportunities.

Aha moment: People are people regardless of their positions. From the professors to the administration, I never had an instance where I felt as though I was being belittled or spoken down to. I had a preconceived notion that my professors would be this looming entity however, they were some of the most personable human beings that I have ever gotten the opportunity of meeting.

Footprints I’m leaving on the Hill: My impact on the Hill is spurred by many different things. I worked alongside the administration to make a lasting change in the way that Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion is approached at McDaniel. In athletics I spent four years under two different head coaches in attempts to lay a solid foundation for the future of the Green Terror football team. As far as my department of studies are concerned, I worked alongside Dr. Francis Grice to serve an advisory role in the creation of McDaniel’s new National Security Program.

Professor who most influenced who I have become: Carol. Dr. Carol Zaru, the department chair of the Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies department, has had a monumental impact on me. She is far and away the greatest educator that I have ever had the privilege of studying under. Her passion for teaching along with her genuine interest into the lives of her students is admirable. If you were to speak to 100 of Carol’s previous students, then I am certain you would receive 100 glowing reviews. She taught me how people from such different backgrounds and circumstances can be so similar. I have learned that the possession of basic human decency serves to ameliorate any surface level conflict between two people. Without Carol Zaru, I would not be half of the man I am today.

My mentor. For life.: I do not have a conventional mentor however, the sole person I find myself contacting whenever I need a bit of guidance is my mother. She is a woman who would not hesitate to give the clothes off of her back to assist someone in need and that admirable mentality has had a lasting impact on me. Whenever I find myself in a rut and looking for a way out, she is always the point of contact.

Best class ever: FYS-1222 Heroic Leaders and Evil Tyrants. Dr. Francis Grice has constructed this First Year Seminar and has done a marvelous job. Dr. Grice was able to make a class about historical entities exciting and applicable to the contemporary world. Regardless of your interests or passions, FYS-1222 was able to draw you in one way or another.

Took me totally by surprise: Westminster! I am from Baltimore so during my first drive to campus I was pretty nervous after passing the third tractor shop. I thought to myself “am I still in Maryland?” To my surprise once I got within five minutes of campus the city started to come to life. Any store, restaurant, or service I could think of was within a very reasonable distance to campus.

My favorite spot on campus: The men’s locker room. There is a certain magic to finishing up a grueling practice or a great game and then ending up sitting in your locker surrounded by some of your closest friends. There would be some days that I would go into the locker room a few hours early just so I could sit there and get my mind right after a long day of school. Honorable Mention – the upper deck of Glar. The atmosphere was terrific, and the people were even better.

Most mind-boggling idea I learned at McDaniel:  United States bipartisanship is an artificial construct used to sustain the latent competitive nature of humanity. Sounds crazy right? That is why I focus on International Studies.

My capstone: “Ethnonationalism’s connection to the denigration of minority groups — the shared plights of African-Americans and Palestinians.”

What it’s about: It is an introspective study upon the harms imposed by ethnonationalist regimes in the foundational establishment of minority groups within them.

Capstone translated: States are run in a multitude of ways throughout the world. Some of these ways are more problematic than others. Ethnonationalism is a form of governance where ethnicity is used to define the nation. A heightened emphasis on ethnicity when making political decisions affirms certain groups. This causes groups that do not fit the bill to operate at a disadvantage.

What’s next: I am currently studying for the Foreign Service Officer Test so that I can work overseas in a U.S. embassy. After that I wish to come back and work in the intelligence field while pursuing an advanced degree. In the long term, I want to become a college professor.

About Chris

Name: Chris Greene

Major: Political Science with a specialization in International Studies

Class of 2021