Make your college experience truly unique with a study abroad program.
Have you ever thought about walking along the banks of the Danube as you study at McDaniel's Budapest campus? Shadowing doctors at a Chilean clinic? Participating in conservation efforts in South Africa? Or exploring the role of water in the history and society of China?
McDaniel's signature study abroad program offers semester-long courses on a wide array of topics, ranging from global studies, business, and liberal arts. For those looking for a shorter term experience, you can also participate in exchange programs or Jan Term abroad experiences.

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Abroad by the Numbers
McDaniel students gain new experiences and world-views through their study abroad experiences.
The Distance to McDaniel Budapest

Without Limits Pre-med student savors lifetime opportunity interning at Chilean hospital Hands-On Learning
Rowail Khan’s pre-med internship in Santiago, Chile, intensified what already was her passion for medicine, but she also hopes it serves as an empowering example to other science majors that study abroad is indeed within their reach. The experience, through IES Abroad, was perfect for Khan, a Biology major with a minor in Chemistry. Study abroad can be more complicated to arrange for students majoring in a science because of lab courses and prerequisites. But studying abroad is important to Khan, so she used the three-week Jan Term and has arranged her semester schedules so that she can spend a semester at McDaniel’s Budapest campus during her junior year.